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Tree and Shrub Pruning Services - Fairfield and New Haven County, CT


The trees and shrubs on your property will experience the greatest period of growth during the spring months and by the time the summer season has arrived, the majority of your plants will have achieved its maximum growth of the season. During the summer season, you may notice that the branches of your trees are getting within a close proximity of your house or building and branches may begin block walkways and patios. For many types of trees and shrubs, the best time to perform pruning services are the summer season. A few reasons why performing pruning for your trees and shrubs are as follows:

  • Pruning will eliminate fragile and diseased branches, that can cause great harm to your tree extensive future damage.

  • Pruning can be a means to cultivate trees during young development to enhance the shape of the tree.

  • Pruning can create additional space for driveways, walkways, and patios. It will also prevent your branches from impeding on the structure of your home or commercial building as well as electrical lines.

  • Pruning will improve the stability of the structure of your trees or shrubs. This will help to reduce the level of damage that can be incurred during a heavy winds or snow storm.

  • Pruning can be utilized to enhance the appearance of plants and improve the shape or can be done to make a plant more beautiful or improve the quality of its silhouette or abundance of garden plants or flowers.

Pruning is can be the greatest preventive maintenance a tree or shrub can obtain. It is very important for the overall health and grown of your trees and shrubs to receive proper pruning measures in order for them to progress properly and develop a solid base. Proper pruning can prolong the health and lifespan of a tree, allowing you to enjoy the valuable shade and enjoy it's aesthetic beauty for many additional summers to come. Pruning shrubs while they are in their early development phases is not as importance as pruning trees, however you should utilize the same guidelines in order to promote the overall health and structure.

If you are in need of pruning services for your property this summer, you can turn to the landscape professionals at Tick and Turf for all of your landscape maintenance needs. We are a well established, fully insured, landscape company based in Southbury, Connecticut who specializes in general lawn care and maintenance. Prepare your landscape for the challenges of summer by hiring us to perform spring clean-ups and ornamental bed preparation, lawn maintenance and mowing, summer pruning, fertilizing, proper nutrients, and insect and disease protection for your lawn. You can contact us today for at 203-232-7285 for a free consultation.

Tick and Turf offers tick spraying, full service landscaping, spring fertilization, deer repellent, tick & weed control, landscape design & maintenance, birch leaf miner, foliage sprays, deep root spraying, core aeration and much more to the following towns and surrounding areas in Connecticut: Southbury, Farifield, Stamford, Greenwich, Darien, Westport, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Oxford, Roxbury, Brookfield, Danbury, New Haven, Milford, Bridgeport, Waterbury and beyond.

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