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Protecting Your Pets from Tick-Bourne Diseases in Connecticut

Protecting Your Pets from Tick-Bourne Diseases in Connecticut

Tick & Turf offers tick control services for residential and commercial properties throughout New Haven, Litchfield an Fairfield Counties in Connecticut. Protecting your pets from ticks involves a combination of preventive measures and regular maintenance. Here are some effective strategies to that you can implement to keep your pets safe from ticks:

  1. Tick Preventatives:

  • Topical Treatments: Apply spot-on treatments, which are usually applied to the back of your pet’s neck, as directed by your veterinarian. These treatments kill ticks on contact.

  • Oral Medications: These are ingested by your pet and work systemically to kill ticks. Some are given monthly, while others last up to three months.

  • Tick Collars: These collars release chemicals that repel and kill ticks. Ensure the collar fits properly and check its effectiveness duration.

  1. Regular Tick Checks:

  • After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check your pet for ticks. Pay special attention to areas around the ears, neck, armpits, and between toes.

  • Remove any ticks you find immediately using tweezers or a tick removal tool. Grasp the tick close to the skin and pull straight out without twisting.

  1. Grooming and Bathing:

  • Regular grooming and baths can help you spot ticks early. Use tick-repellent shampoos if recommended by your vet.

  • Keep your pet’s fur trimmed, especially if they have long hair, as this makes it easier to spot ticks.

  1. Yard Maintenance:

  • Keep your lawn, bushes, and shrubs trimmed to reduce tick habitats.

  • Remove leaf litter and clear tall grasses and brush around your home.

  • Consider creating a tick-free zone by placing wood chips or gravel between your lawn and wooded areas.

  1. Avoid Tick-Infested Areas:

  • During peak tick season, avoid taking your pets to heavily wooded or grassy areas where ticks are commonly found.

  • Stick to trails and avoid letting your pet roam freely in dense vegetation.

  1. Natural Repellents:

  • Some natural oils, such as neem oil or eucalyptus oil, can act as tick repellents. However, consult your veterinarian before using any natural remedies, as some can be toxic to pets.

  1. Vaccination:

  • Ask your veterinarian about vaccines that can help protect against diseases transmitted by ticks, such as Lyme disease.

  1. Household Precautions:

  • Keep your home clean and vacuum regularly, especially in areas where your pet spends a lot of time.

  • Wash your pet’s bedding frequently in hot water to kill any ticks that might be present.

By combining these preventive measures with Tick an Turf's expert Connecticut Tick Control services, you can significantly reduce the risk of your pets getting ticks and the potential health issues associated with tick bites.

Contact Tick and Turf today at (203) 232-7285 to schedule a quick no-cost quote! You can click the following link to view our 5-star Houzz Reviews!


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