Hiring A Tick Control Company to Spray for Ticks Protects Your Family

Tick and Turf is a Connecticut Tick Control Company that offers traditional and organic tick spray programs that are effective in protecting your family from ticks and the tick-borne diseases that they can potentially transmit. Lyme disease, Babesiosis, Powassan virus and additional illnesses are spread to humans and pets through the bite of an infected tick. If you reside in a heavily wooded or grassy location, then you are much more susceptible to tick bites. People residing in Connecticut are especially at a greater risk. You can exterminator ticks from your property and greatly reduce the risk of Lyme disease through tick spray programs from Tick and Turf that effective in removing ticks in your landscape. Contact Tick and Turf today at (203) 232-7285 to schedule a quick no-cost quote!
Tick and Turf possess over 20 years of experience in providing effective tick control services throughout the state of Connecticut. We have included three important reasons below why you should consider hiring us for your traditional or organic tick spray programs.
Ticks Are Small & Difficult to Locate:
As you do tick checks after being outdoors, ticks can be very difficult to locate on your body due to their minuscule size. A yard spray for tick by Tick and Turf will effectively exterminate ticks from your yard is an additional layer of protection for your family and pets.
Ticks have a two-year life cycle:
To prevent the spread of tick populations on your property, you have to begin by exterminating them in their beginning stage of life. Tick and Turf's tick control spray programs kill off tick eggs, and we hiring us to perform spraying in early Spring and Late Fall to eliminate the eggs and the adult ticks that are laying them.
Wild Animals can bring ticks on your property:
Ticks will typically appear on your property by attaching to wild animals such as deer, rabbits, and mice. Routine tick yard sprays exterminate any ticks that wildlife may have brought to your property.
Contact Tick and Turf today at (203) 232-7285 to schedule a quick no-cost quote! You can click the following link to view our 5-star Houzz Reviews!