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Dormant Oil Spray Services - Tree and Plant Pest Prevention | Fairfield, New Haven County, Connectic

Prevention is the initial measure you should take in regulating potential diseases and insect pests that can potentially infest your Connecticut property. Many disease and pest issues can easliy be averted by providing your property with the proper care and precautionary measures. This may include applying the necessary spray applications to your trees during the dormant season to reduce over-wintering pest and disease organisms.

There are a wide array of oils available to assist you in controlling the infestations of insects and mite pests on your property. These oils can be the best friend you have in managing pest problems that can destroy fruit trees, trees that provide shade, and any ornamental plants on your property. In most instances, horticultural oils can perform as poisons, which will kill off pests by disrupting their natural metabolisms and how the insects feeds off your plants.

A very popular type of protective oil that is utilized is called dormant oil. Dormant oil or horticultural oil is typically used on woody plants during the dormant season. Dormant oil is a labeled pesticide and should always be used according to the label’s instructions. Good bugs, as well as bad, can be affected by spraying horticultural oil, so you must be certain that you are performing the neccessary applications. If you are not experienced with dormant oil spray application, you can contact the pest control professionals at Tick and Turf for a free consultation.

Dormant Oil Spray services are vital in protecting the trees and shrubs from Connecticut pests such as Adelgids, aphids, caterpillar eggs, leafhoppers, mealybug, mites, scale, ticks, spider mites. Horticultural oil applied in April is used to control many these pests that winter over on evergreens and fruit trees. Dormant oil is non-toxic and environmentally safe. A dormant oil application at this time can keep your trees and shrubs healthy and reduce the need for stronger pesticides later in the season. The active ingredient in dormant oil spray is petroleum oil and it is very effective in killing off the many different types of insects that can damage wreak havoc on the landscape of your Connecticut property.

You can hire the Connecticut lawn care professionals at Tick and Turf to perform dormant oil spray applications to your property. The application is typically administered once a year during the early spring season. Dormant oil sprays are effective in lowering the amounts of pathogenic fungi, which can develop within the bark of your trees and buds of your growing plants during the winter season. If necessary, an additional application of Foliar sprays with an approved miticide or insecticide can be extremely effective in ridding your property of disease and infestations. The insecticides, Sevin and Tempo, are used to control many insects infesting trees, including aphids and caterpillars. Two applications may be needed for best results. Tick control can be applied at the same time.

The early spring season is the most opportune time to apply sprays to control certain insects, mites, and diseases on trees and plants. If you have experienced problems with insects and disease in the past, you should consider contacting the pest control experts at Tick and Turf to give you a free consultation. Early spring brings warm temperatures and long sunny days, which are perfect conditions for insects to flourish and destroy your plants and trees. Don't delay in reaping the benefits from a dormant oil spray treatment in your own landscape this year. Contact Tick and Turf today!

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